Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can You Do Me a Favor?

Wedding favors are so much fun, yet can be a total pain in the butt to try and figure out. There are so many cute things, but I’m all about utility and don’t want to buy things that are just going to get pitched in the trash on the way out. (Do you want to see me cry? I’ll do it.) I’m trying to come up with some ideas that people will enjoy and get some use out of. Personalized M&Ms seem to work for me (what has more utility than chocolate?) as well as some sort of plantable item. It is fun to look at the stuff, and the beachy theme items are really cool on the Oriental Trading Company site. I’ve also been toying with a betta fish as a center piece idea...I don’t think Peta will be mad at me for that, right? Does anyone have any suggestions or a good place to purchase wedding favors?


kismetsCIRCUS said...

Wedding favors are SUCH a waste of money. My favorite is when people donate money instead of buying useless chotchky stuff. Then you could put a cute print out on each table saying that you have donated money to a cause and list the cause. That's my two cents.

Kate said...

Can my cause be something like "to OUR cause" which is like paying the mortage and stuff. I kid, I kid.

I think the only favor I will buy is something sort of food related. So something that someone can consume and it doesn't sit on their kitchen counter for like 2 weeks.

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