Monday, December 7, 2009

Say "yes" to the Dress

One of the most fretful decisions for a Bride for her wedding day is the bridal gown. There are so many choices in so many different price points, and it can be dizzying. Many people go to David's Bridal, many people choose not to simply because so many others do. I am not one of those people. I really like David's Bridal and find that they have a great selection and very good quality for the price.

The wedding dress I found was actually an online purchase. I'd found it on the first day I looked at dresses (the day we got engaged!) but figured I'd order it in the fall or winter. I went back to the site to look at it after we got back from Romania and it was totally sold out. I was so disappointed, but not one to give up, I started looking for other options. Alas, I didn't find anything I liked, but was going to make an appointment to go up to Waldorf with my girlfriends and make a day out of looking for the dress. While logging on to the website I found that they had two sizes of my dress available. I clicked in the size closest to mine and immediatly purchased the item. I was so nervous that it was some sort of trick. I went back in and it was the ONLY one that they'd had in that size so I felt really lucky. It actually got shipped to the house 3 days after I bought it and I tried it on this weekend with my friends in tow. It is beautiful and I'm so happy with it...and it was a fantastic deal. I paid $150 for the dress. I only say it because the original price on it was $400 and frankly I love a bargain. It's gorgeous, I look fantastic and it fits perfectly. Having said that, I'd still love to lose a little more weight for the wedding I figure I saved enough money to pay for the tailoring. Hopefully. And no, I'm not sharing pictures here, but I can't wait for everyone to see the photos from St. Lucia.


Anonymous Me said...

I can't wait to see it! I'm sure you look gorgeous. :-)

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